Those Duba Boys were so mean and were so busy keeping everyone else away that they hardly had time to eat themselves.

One young male tried to sneak a bite from the head end.  You can see what the evil brother thinks of that--he's already moving.

The young male rolls over submissively to avoid getting bitten and puts up a protective paw...............

......but that doesn't stop The Enforcer.
The interloper did get away but not without severe chastisement.

Then a lioness tried a different tack.  She approaches submissively and ingratiates herself with the old guy.

She hangs around till the big lion lies down again and then even schmoozes a little with him--just like a woman, right?

But then she mistakenly thinks she has been accepted and tries to take a bite.  Not a chance!  He is up like a flash and after her--meaner than ever.  She makes some rude remarks, but backs off very quickly nevertheless.

This action all happened very quickly.  I hope you are able to envision the interaction and see the dynamics of the pride with their founding fathers.

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