Because of the vast savannah-like concession they have, Duba Plains has a very large buffalo population.  Their herd has between six and eight hundred animals.  Buffalo are one of my favorite animals.  I love painting them, but the market for them is rather small.  Here are some shots that epitomize the personality of buffalo to me.  They are tough, aloof, cool, handsome in their way, and are not to be messed with.

Typical scene

Testing the air.  Note the huge boss on this fellow--that's the gray part of the horns on top of the head.

You can see part of the herd behind this one and his egret camp followers.

Look at this impressive set of horns!  Massive boss and sharp, shiny ends, from much use.  That's an oxpecker there on the right side.

Basking in the sun--but with his eye on you--look closely at it.

Just minding his own business.  But he's over four feet/1.4m tall, 1540 pounds/500kg, and often with a bad temper.  I wouldn't care to be on foot near him.

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