Duba Plains Camp has four lion prides.  They are all descendents of the famous Duba Boys.  These two brothers started all the prides, but live pretty much by themselves, just sort of overseeing things.  They are in the ten year old range and are very much in command around the other lions, as you'll see later.  This is how they spend much of their time.

I could tell them apart and thought of them in my mind as the good brother............
(Those little dots are flies, which fortunately didn't come to people.)

...............and the evil brother..............

They are in magnificent shape, but the good brother here could use a good hair dresser.

You'll see them in action soon, but meanwhile, here are two of my favorite views of the evil brother.

Lions are the easiest animal to photograph.  They just lie there and you can get within ten yards or less without bothering them as long as you're in a vehicle.  They have nothing to fear from the vehicle, which they have seen safely all their lives, but touch the ground and it's a different story.

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