When you think large birds, you automatically think ostrich.  We didn't see lots of them at Savuti--in fact only this one.

But the lighting is nice on his head.

Besides some cranes, the next largest bird is the secretary bird.  This is a young one without his red facial skin and the tail is shorter.

This is more like it !  Did you know they got their name because someone thought the quills coming off the back of their heads looked like quill pens stuck hurriedly in the upswept hair of Victorian secretaries.  Their legs look like they are wearing men's ballet tights.

This is the helmeted guinea fowl.  There is also a crested guinea fowl, but it is not often seen in Botswana.  The helmeted is unusual in that it has both red and blue wattling.  That thingy on the top of its head is called a casque.  I've been told since the last guinea fowl picture that I sent, that they are very tough and gamey to eat--have to be stewed forever.

This is a pair of tawny eagles.  The female is supposed to be darker and a little larger, so that's probably her on the left.  I thought the picture was so nice with them looking the same way................

.......and then they showed us the other way too.  You can choose which you think is their best side.

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