We saw a lot of bee eaters at Savuti.  Apparently it was the beginning of migration and they were grouping up and eating up for the journey.

This is a blue-cheeked bee eater.  The blue is subtle to say the least.  We didn't see many of those.

And here is a white-fronted bee eater.  They were everywhere.

Here's another one that you can see the white front on better.  They are all very small and don't sit still for a moment.

We also saw carmine bee eaters once, which surprised our ranger.  He thought they would had all gone north for he winter already.  We were driving fairly fast on a narrow track in the channel and stirring up a lot of dust, and insects apparently, and a half dozen carmine bee eaters flew along right beside us at lower than our eye level, catching insects that we had disturbed.  It was fascinating to look down on their beautiful colors.  They were too fast to photo, but here is a picture of one from another trip, just so you can see their color.  They are larger than other bee eaters, but this one was way up in a tree.

Of course no bee eater letter would be complete without the favorite, little bee eater!

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