Both groups kind of milled around in a stand off. The lionesses hadn't
quite decided what they were going to do and the bulls were keeping them just far enough
away to prevent them choosing which buffalo they wanted.
Every once in a while, there would be another effort by one of the bulls and
the lionesses would run a little bit and stop.
They took this bull more seriously and scattered.
But then he didn't really know which one to chase............
..........he picked this one and gave her a run for her money. Look at
the muscles in the lioness's shoulders!
We asked James if they were really going to hunt and he assured us that this
was all part of the hunt--the most interesting part, because all the while they are looking for
any straggler or any weak buffalo or any cow with a young calf. The herd is over 800
buffalo so they can't all just run away to a safe place--no place would be safe from these gals.