That afternoon after our cookies and tea, we got in the vehicle and went a
distance from the camp to a different edge of the pan. And there we donned burnooses and
got on our four-wheelers and revved up.
Keep in mind that
neither of us had ever in all our seventy plus years done anything remotely
resembling this! But we loved it!
As you can see behind Bill there, you don't have to worry about hitting
things. Super led the way and we followed single file staying in the track that was already
laid by months of previous riders. We went about twenty miles into the pan, often hitting
forty miles an hour/60kph--white knuckle time indeed, but very exhilarating! We went slowly
around curves, but Super was out of sight on the straight-aways. I'll have to admit I was
pleased with myself for hanging in there.

After we got out into the nowhere of the pan, we took a water break.
There was nothing in sight in any direction! Super told us a lot about the pan as an
environment and then had us go lie out on the pan by ourselves and watch night appear.
It would have been easy to go to sleep if the ground had been softer. About a half hour
later, Super whistled us back and we got on our bikes and started home. After we had driven
in the dark for quite a distance--we did go slower after sundown--Super had us stop and said he
saw some camp fires ahead and he was afraid it might be poachers so we might hurry by and we
might stop. We should do whatever he did. As we got closer, I saw a guy pick up a
burning log from the fire and start out towards us. It was a little scary when Super told
us to stop. Then we saw it was Gara! They had brought dinner out onto the pan for us!!
We washed up in the little loo tent they had set up--no bushes to go behind
on the pan! They put it 'a bit away' for privacy. Here's a shot of it taken the next
day with poor light so it's a bit fuzzy.
We had before dinner drinks and told stories about what fun we were
having. That's Amarula in my glass!
Then came dinner which was all cooked over the fire right there. I
didn't take my burnoose off knowing I would have a severe case of burnoose head.
Fortunately it was quite cool after the sun went down.
After dinner we told more stories around the campfire. Bill and Super
got into some very deep discussions on religion. Super was disgusted with how much money
the big church leaders were getting from the people, but not putting to good use.
It was a very exciting day and evening for us and something unique to San
and Jack's Camps I think. There was another adventure that the camp asks us not to tell
about so it will still be a surprise for other guests who come to San. Our friends here,
who were at San year before last, didn't tell us a thing, so we were very pleasantly
surprised. I am going to honor that request even though in one of last week's
Wall Street Journals, some woman travel writer told all about it and how frightened
she was. We thought it was wonderful. If there is anyone who already knows about
it, I'll be glad to send you the few pictures I took then.