Maholoholo was home to several large cats also.  We didn't go into the pens with them, like we did with the birds, but we got quite close on the other side of the fences.

This lion had come from a circus--I'm sure he's happier here.  He is very old and nearly toothless, but still quite regal looking.

This little serval came right up to us along with the honey badger.  She was very hard to photograph.  I stooped down to try and get a shot and tumbled over backwards in the grass and sand--oh, the grace of her ladyship!  Neither Bill nor Tony were anywhere near me--too many children in the way, so I had to struggle up by myself--an even more graceful picture!  But the cat was adorable.

This young female leopard was nearly well and will be going back into the wild.  She was still quite aggressive in her pen and didn't care for all of us looking at her at all--lots of snarling.

But this old fellow was quite content in his enclosure.

He even came up to the fence and rubbed against it, enabling me to get this study of leopard skin.  Isn't it beautiful !!

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