There are so many nice trees in Africa.  Here are a couple that you see a lot as you drive along.

The fever tree, easily recognized by the light colored trunks.  They make a nice accent in a landscape and are usually found along river banks.

There are a lot of these dead leadwood trees around.  I don't know what has killed them--could just be old age or drought, but they don't rot and will stand like this for a long, long time.  They make wonderful perches for raptors.  Also, brightly colored birds, such as the rollers, perch on these bare limbs and insects, seeing their color, come to investigate to see if it's a flower and get themselves snapped up!

These gnarled and twisted branches are at Lower Sabie behind a memorial bench dedicated to the father of our friend from the first letter, Shirli Hill.

Another view of an African fig tree.  The fruit grows very close to the large branches and trunk rather than at the end of smaller branches like most fruit trees.  They are about the size of golf balls and are a great favorite of baboons.

This group of trees is worth a second look................

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