Erika and I walked over towards the store at Letaba after lunch and came across this Nile monitor lizard just walking along the road.  It was about a meter long.

It went over to a tree and started to climb up, but the little ground squirrel objected strenuously and finally the lizard backed down.  Not the sort of thing you expect to see right in camp!

Meanwhile back in the adorable very young zebra.  He was so cute that I didn't even notice I cut his mother's head off.

A few steps--I liked seeing all the stripes all the way to the ground.

Up close you can see he's having a bad hair day--his mane is still frizzy and he still has baby hair on his back

This next was an interesting zebra interaction.  The standing zebra stallion had been nudging this mare several times with his nose and we thought how sweet, he's showing her he loves her.  But then, when she didn't get up, he proceeded to kick her!  You can see his right front foot getting ready for another swift kick now.  I think she has a headache!

(The next picture may not be suitable for young children)

I think this zebra's mare must have a headache too! 

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