Just a few more animal shots from our drives from Olifants.

A warthog kneeling down to make grazing easier.  They go along for quite some distance like this.

A nice impala face--the eyes are on the sides so they can spot danger coming from all angles.  When they see danger, they snort a loud warning through those large nostrils.

I just snapped rapidly through the windshield as a herd of impala crossed in front of us, hoping to get some action shots.  Here they are--not quite what I envisioned, but showing movement anyway.

They look more like they are dancing than running.

These two shots are from Satara , not Olifants--I had forgotten them.  On one of the night drives we spotted this female hyena coming out of a culvert under the road, a favorite denning place for hyenas.

She was followed shortly by a pup!  Its fur looked so soft, like a collie puppy.  He was also much lighter than hyena young we had seen before, but he already had that characteristic hyena stance with the back lower than the front.  Hard to believe anything so cute would grow up to be a deadly and cunning hunter/scavenger.

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