It seems to be a rule that every dam in the Kruger Park have a dead leadwood tree --they never rot--with several of the large communal nests of redbilled buffalo weavers.  This dam, near Lower Sabie, is covered with water lettuce, an alien invasive species.

There were lots of helmeted guinea fowl running around the area where the cars parked to watch for elephants coming down to drink.

And African jacanas were running all over the water lettuce.

How lucky I was to see a blackbellied korhaan not hidden by grass--interesting knees--they look like they are made out of bamboo.

From the bridge you can watch wading birds in the river.  Here's another Goliath heron and I had a hard time identifying the black bird with the long white legs--until I realized those were just two white bird droppings, not his legs!  That's a reed cormorant standing on a rock, not tall legs.

Feel free to applaud when you see this pic of a giant kingfisher.  Actually, everyone who crosses this bridge can get a great kingfisher photo.  The bird is very cooperative, the light is good, and the bird is about 15 inches (40 cm) long!

And finally, here's another one of the pretty starlings--this one is the lesser blue eared starling--doing a little dance for us.

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