As we drove through Kruger Park, we always took any loop road that was offered--never can tell what you might see!  One loop circled around a very large koppie, a rocky outcropping.

There was a smaller, but still very large, rock on top of this huge one--you can just see it behind the bush before the top in the center.  Klipspringers are one of my favorite animals--one doesn't see them often and they can leap onto the steepest rock effortlessly, standing always on just the tips of their hooves.  What a thrill to suddenly see one hop up onto that rock!

This was textbook klipspringer!!  I was on the other side in the car so I did a no-no and opened the door so I could aim the camera over the roof.  He was very far away--but I used the full zoom. The boulder he's standing on is about 8 feet/2 meters high.

He looked back over the rock--what a view there must be from up there--and then looked at us.

Then he hopped down and it was just a big koppie again.  The whole viewing was probably less than two minutes.  Sometimes you are in the right place at just the right moment!  Always take the loop roads..............

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