There are lots of species of hornbills in Botswana, but the ones you see most often
are the red-billed hornbill, which is everywhere--very common and almost in the way in the Savuti
Channel--one sees dozens at a time--rarely still for photographing however.
There are also the yellow-billed hornbills.......larger and more inclined to hang
around the camp looking for dropped goodies after lunch........
..............and the ground hornbills, which are the largest. They are a
threatened species, but we saw a lot of them. They are the size of a turkey and eat lizards and the
They can fly, but prefer not to. The tips of their wings are white and when
they see a snake, they spread their wings causing the snake to strike at the bright white--at which time
they then get the snake with their large bill and devour it.
This one has found a goodie in the grass.
Und vere are zee paperz, pliz? Can you see the eyelashes!
Ground hornbills have very unique eyes in the bird kingdom--besides having long
eyelashes--they can move them around like a human can so they don't have to cock their heads to
see in different directions, like other birds do. This one is looking heavenward saying, when are
these stupid tourists going to leave me alone.