There are other species of animal at Duba besides just lion and buffalo.

There are red lechwe, which are similar to impala except they always live near water.  You can tell species that run to water for protection.  Their horns turn forward to fend off predators from the land, whereas land antelope have horns facing backwards to fend off enemies coming from behind.

Here are a couple of young bachelors.  Large groups of young males stay together in grazing herds.  Red lechwe have longer back legs for bounding through the wetlands.  They also have splayed hooves to keep them from sinking in the mud.
That oxpecker on his rear is doing him a good turn--picking off ticks in a spot the lechwe can't reach for himself!

I'm still not having any luck capturing a good antelope jump on film.  I got the whole animal this time, but not in focus.

There are lots of spotted hyena and jackals around waiting to clean up the many buffalo kills that the lions make.

Around the water holes there were so many different kinds of birds and also crocodiles.  This one was only about six feet/2m--just a youngster.

Another plains animal is the wildebeest--such a mixture of design. 

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