Since I like to paint zebra faces so much, I took a lot of pictures of them.  Here is a sampling.

The young ones still have a lot of reddish brown showing on the tips of the mane hairs and above the muzzle.

You can see how different the stripes of one zebra are from another.  They look all alike at first glance, but no two are exactly alike, like fingerprints.

This handsome guy will be a painting for sure!  Look at the cute whiskers too.

Late one afternoon, we came across this zebra crossing the road just over a little rise.  He was watching something intently and didn't even glance our way.

Then he stopped and backed up, started tentatively again, backed up again--several times.  He obviously saw something in the grass at the edge of the road that we couldn't see.  We'd never seen this sort of zebra behavior before.

Finally, whatever it was must have moved on and he went on across, albeit, gingerly still.  Perhaps a snake was passing through at the edge or something.  These pictures let you see what nice hooves zebra have--they are usually hidden by grass.  Also note the 'shadow' stripes the Burchell's zebra has between the bigger blacker stripes.

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