Here's the whole family!

Isn't that adorable!  I love the furrowed brow.

Here they are at the mother/son banquet eating leaves from a tasty shrub.  You can get an idea of the size and strength of the mother.  Their only defense, besides running away, is kicking.  A well placed kick can kill a lion.

He's going to have to do a lot of growing to match those knees!

I like taking pictures of giraffe heads as references for future paintings.  You can see the differences between the males and females here easily.
Worn tufts on large 'horns', forehead lump makes it a ???

Lovely ear tufts, long eyelashes, pleasant doubt a ???

And, of course the baby, with the furrowed brow, but now I'm wondering if it isn't a scar or something on his forehead.  Anyway, he's very sweet.

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